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  • Top tips for cutting business energy bills in autumn/winter

    2015 brought yet another disappointing summer in the UK, but the chances are you didn’t have to turn the lights and heating on too regularly. Well that’s all about to change as the winds pick up and the leaves begin to fall. Autumn is here and it won’t be long before you have to think […]

  • Households switch away from the big six suppliers

    More than a million households switched away from the ‘big six’ energy suppliers in the past year. Figures from Cornwall Energy showed that about 11 per cent of homes now buy their gas, electricity or both from smaller independent companies. These figures are significant for businesses because it demonstrates that households are waking up to […]

  • Wholesale gas prices slips in October

    Wholesale gas prices fell in the UK on Wednesday as reduced demand from gas plants boosted oversupply. In the morning, Reuters reported that the price for next day delivery slipped by 0.30 pence to 39.80 p/therm. Meanwhile gas for immediate delivery dropped 0.50 pence to 39.90 p/therm. The price drop came after National Grid data […]

  • Collective energy buying for businesses

    Collective energy buying is a practice where a group of consumers (businesses, homeowners or even small municipalities) get together and pool their resources to buy gas and electricity at cheaper prices. Sound like hard work? Think again Although there is no set model for how these collective switching schemes work, the arrangement is normally facilitated […]

  • The new wave of smart heating systems

    The future looks smart for energy consumption. Following some high profile success stories in the non-domestic energy market, smart-thermostats and other smart heating systems are beginning to break into the mainstream consumer market. Domestic and non-domestic energy customers are going to be better informed about their energy situation. They will know how and when to […]

  • Five reasons to switch your business gas supply today

    In all likelihood, energy is one of your top three business expenses. Whether you run a restaurant, manage a manufacturing company or own a chain of stores, gas and electricity bills can seriously hinder your overall financial health. Every business should periodically assess energy procurement, evaluating the current supplier and thinking whether there is a […]