Gas Installations

shutterstock_94931668Busi­ness Gas.Com Project Man­age­ment is one of the UK’s lead­ing inde­pen­dent provider of gas site-works solu­tions for the indus­trial and com­mer­cial mar­kets nation­wide.

We’re proud of our proven record in site-works ser­vices and have worked on projects of vary­ing sizes and complexity.

We work with many of the UK’s gas sup­pli­ers as well as directly for end con­sumer groups, energy buy­ers, con­sul­tants and con­trac­tors to pro­vide fast, effec­tive cus­tomer-focused solu­tions and cre­ate excep­tional cus­tomer experiences.

We are posi­tioned right at the heart of the gas indus­try, allow­ing us to liaise with every­one from the end con­sumer to on-site engi­neers, to pro­vide an end-to-end ser­vice for all site-works projects.

We can coor­di­nate and plan a com­plete project involv­ing pro­cure­ment, gas mains, ser­vices, smart gas meters, meter hous­ings, con­crete bases, meter enhance­ments and any other require­ments you may have.

We will pro­vide you with a sin­gle point of con­tact through­out the life of the project who will keep you informed every step of the way.

Every mem­ber of our team has the nec­es­sary tech­ni­cal knowl­edge to deal with the largest of projects while always remain­ing focused on deliv­er­ing results.

Smart meter provision

We work with The UK Meter Exchange (UKME) and can pro­vide smart meters to all sites across your port­fo­lio, enabling you to obtain accu­rate auto­matic reads. These can be deliv­ered either daily or monthly direct to you.

Stan­dard meters installed as part of a like for like exchange pro­gram will be sup­plied absolutely free of charge.

You are not com­mit­ted to take your gas sup­ply from one set gas sup­plier, so exer­cise your choice and get the best rates.

Key Ben­e­fits Summary

  • Proven record in site-works services.
  • Expe­ri­ence in a vari­ety of project sizes and structure.
  • We pro­vide a one-stop, end to end ser­vice, tak­ing the headache out.
  • Sin­gle point of con­tact for the project duration.
  • Pro­vi­sion of FREE smart meters in many cases.

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