Smart Meters


Most businesses have little or no idea about how much energy they use or when they use it. Does the following apply to your business?

“I know I have to start trying to reduce the amount of energy I use, but I don’t know where to start.”

“I know there are some new technologies on the market but have no idea which ones I should investigate.”

“I have heard of Smart Meters but don’t know how they can help me.”

You can make fan­tas­tic sav­ings by using a smart gas meter. In recent meter­ing tri­als, the Car­bon Trust found that when smart meters are com­bined with usage sta­tis­tics and energy sav­ing tips, there are poten­tial sav­ings of 12% a year on average.

Busi­ness Gas.Com can sup­ply you the lat­est smart gas meter­ing tech­nol­ogy. Our meter­ing sys­tems tech­nol­ogy do away with esti­mated billing and give you accu­rate, real time con­sump­tion infor­ma­tion – so you only pay for the gas you use.

Smart gas meters can give you:

  • Pin­point accu­rate busi­ness gas bills
  • Improved fore­cast­ing and bud­get­ing
  • Knowl­edge of daily, weekly, monthly or annual usage, giv­ing you access to bet­ter sup­plier rates
  • Iden­tify when and where gas is being used to avoid wastage
  • Assess the effec­tive­ness of car­bon reduc­tion measures

How does it work?

Busi­ness Gas.Com will replace your cur­rent gas meter with an OFGEM cer­ti­fied Pulsed Gas Meter along with a gas data log­ger. This enables us to col­lect your gas usage data and relay it to our sys­tem.

All data pro­vided by your smart gas meter belongs to you and your com­pany and not the energy net­work or sup­plier. This means you have access to the recorded data as and when you require it.

Key Ben­e­fits Summary

  • State of the art meter read­ing and data col­lec­tion
  • Mar­ket lead­ing online report­ing sys­tem
  • Know exactly where, when and how you con­sume energy
  • Access to your own real-time energy con­sump­tion infor­ma­tion
  • 100% accu­rate gas bills — no more esti­mates
  • Receive alerts should your gas usage fluc­tu­ate from the norm
  • Track your daily / weekly / monthly / yearly usage
  • Bench­mark against pre­vi­ous usage reports
  • Reduce your car­bon foot­print through energy efficiency

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