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Over 100 like-minded businesses have saved £££ by joining our buying group

  • Do you use more than 100,000kWh of gas a year?
  • Does your contract end before December 2016?
  • Do you pay for your business gas by Direct Debit?

Then our Gas Buying Group is ideal for your business.

The service is available from BusinessGas.com free of charge - we do not charge you a fee or take a percentage from any savings.

You can leave the buying group at any time; you will not be charged any extra costs and you will then move over to a fixed price contract.

Day Ahead

With this service, your charges are based on a volume weighted average of market price purchases and the volume purchased ‘Day Ahead’.

Fixed Price Gas

Protect your business from fluctuations in the gas market - fix the price you pay for gas for the duration of your contract.

Flexible Price Gas

Make gas purchasing decisions when you choose, so you can buy more at the best rates (for monthly usage of 155,000 - 775,000 Kwh/month).

Why choose us?

• We pro­vide a full ser­vice ensur­ing you only need one point of con­tact for all your com­mer­cial gas needs.

• Our exten­sive expe­ri­ence of the busi­ness gas sec­tor gives us a keen advan­tage when look­ing for the best con­tract for your busi­ness, always ensur­ing it’s tai­lor made for you.

• Our gas buy­ing group means we can source bet­ter rates than many of our com­peti­tors — strength in numbers.

• Your per­sonal account man­ager works hard to source you the best busi­ness gas deals, sav­ing you money every year.

Once we’ve found you the right deal, that’s just the start of it. With our state-of-the-art online report­ing sys­tem, you can ben­e­fit from total con­trol over your energy usage, sav­ing you even more money.

At Busi­ness Gas.com, we are ded­i­cated to help­ing you reduce your energy bills. We work hard to give you a mar­ket lead­ing ser­vice and are proud of the rep­u­ta­tion we’ve built up. But don’t take our word for it. To take a look at our client work, click here.

Lead­ing UK spe­cial­ists in procur­ing the best com­mer­cial gas rates

With many years of expe­ri­ence in reduc­ing com­pa­nies’ energy bills, we’re con­fi­dent we can do the same for your busi­ness. Our team of mar­ket­ing ana­lysts con­stantly mon­i­tor mar­ket prices ensur­ing you ben­e­fit from the most com­pet­i­tive tar­iffs and rates avail­able.

By com­bin­ing an unbeat­able knowl­edge of the energy indus­try with buy­ing power, we are able to source the best gas rates for your busi­ness, often far cheaper than our com­peti­tors can.

The best energy deals, tai­lored to suit your business

Every com­pany has dif­fer­ent needs and processes, and that applies to energy usage too.

A school may use a larger pro­por­tion of gas to heat the build­ing whilst a man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pany is likely to chan­nel most of its energy into the pro­duc­tion process. Addi­tion­ally, that pro­duc­tion line may run 24/7 whilst a school could only need heat­ing between 9 and 5.

Being smart about how you use your gas and elec­tric­ity is key to get­ting the most from your energy expen­di­ture. How­ever, it’s not sim­ply about usage – and that’s where energy experts like our­selves can really make the dif­fer­ence.

As well as obses­sively fol­low­ing the mar­kets to get the best prices, at Busi­ness Gas.com, we offer both fixed and flex­i­ble price con­tracts to make sure you get the best deal possible.

Once we’ve found you the right one, it’s just a case of switch­ing sup­pli­ers. This is far more straight­for­ward than most think. Remem­ber, your building’s gas infra­struc­ture (pipes, sup­ply etc) stays the same. You’re only chang­ing the sup­plier, and of course the gas prices!

Wor­ried about find­ing time to sort all these energy sup­plier con­tracts out? Don’t— we take care of all the paper­work for you.

Why do I need a gas broker?

The gas market is complicated and large sections of it are still shrouded in secrecy.

Gas market experts, like our Head of Energy Procurement Paul Rafis understand the subtleties of the energy market and can offer advice on when to buy, when to hold and where to get the absolute best deals on commercial gas supply.

  • Brokers help navigate a complex market place, highlighting the risks and possible rewards of any contract.
  • Brokers will offer advice on when to buy and when to bank.
  • Brokers have strong connections with suppliers and are better placed to negotiate for the best commercial gas rates.

Which purchasing strategy is best for my business?

Business energy buying can be daunting. Contracts can extend into the thousands and hundreds-of-thousands of pounds. So it’s important that you follow a strategy suitable for your industry and business.

At Business Gas.com we offer three different gas buying services. Fixed price purchasing and flexible price purchasing are two standard purchasing options. We also run two business gas buying groups which allow businesses to pool their resources and get larger economies of scale.

Fixed vs Flexible gas buying

A fixed price energy contract means a business will pay a set price for energy across a set duration (usually 12 or 24 months). The rate will not go up or down during this period providing the user remains within certain pre-agreed contract limits.

Flexible contracts are, as the name suggests, more flexible. They allow organisations to buy at regular intervals with the aim of avoiding price spikes and buying during price dips.

There are advantages and drawbacks to each arrangement, but generally it comes down to which contract suits your business better.

If the business you are buying for is relatively small and doesn’t use a lot of energy then a fixed price contract is usually more suitable. Fixed price contracts are also good for businesses which require budget certainty – because you won’t be caught out by nasty price rises.

If, on the other hand, you represent a much larger organisations which buys a lot of energy then a flexible contract might be more suitable.

Flexible contracts can lead to much larger energy savings, but the strategy also carries more risk. If you intend to pursue a flexible purchasing strategy then you have to be sure that you have someone who understands the market – and has time to devote to planning on your side. And if you require certainty about your annual budgets you should consider a different option.

Take or pay

Fixed price contracts will usually have a take or pay clause written in. This means that you could have to pay for energy which you don’t use. Typically, if you reduce your usage by about 10% then you will be responsible for the excess difference.

So if you underuse by 15% you could end up paying an extra 5% on your bill. There are no take or pay penalties for flexible price gas contracts.

Risk factor

Fixed price contracts also have a larger risk factor. If you take out a long-term fixed price contract then energy companies take on a greater risk. Risk factor is usually calculated on the basis of your credit history so if you have a bad credit score then you should expect to pay higher premiums.

Again, there is little or no risk factor for flexible contracts because contracts are usually agreed over a shorter period.

Flexible Rates Fixed Rates
Small or large businesses More suitable for larger organisations or those using a lot of energy More suitable for SMEs and those using less energy
Budget certainty No budget certainty More suitable for businesses which require budget certainty
How much management is required Flexible contracts require more management and engagement from the user Fixed rate contracts are simpler and require little management
Do I have to pay for unused Electricity or Take or Pay No Yes
Do I pay a Risk Factor with regards to my credit rating No Yes
Do I pay insurance on my contract incase I go bust No Yes
Do I pay Premium if my usage is below 272,000 Kwh No Yes
Will I pay Higher rates if I reduce my annual Usage by more than 10% No Yes

Collective business buying group

Collective business energy buying groups are a good way for businesses to save money on their energy costs. Business Gas.com run two buying groups - one for large organisations and one for SMEs.

A gas buying group is when several businesses band together, pool resources and buy enough energy or every member of the group. When buying energy in these volumes the group enjoys greater buying power from their enhanced economies of scale. Ultimately this means that every business gets a better rate than they would if they went it alone.

Group members also get a smart meter to help them monitor consumption, identify areas of waste and ultimately, bring down their energy bills.

Our business gas buying groups do have a couple of restrictions. You must be using over a certain threshold of energy each year, and the contract must start in the autumn. But don’t worry if you’re out of contract before that date, we can set you up on a competitive short term contract until the group’s renewal date.

Top gas buying tips

  • Purchasing gas on flexible contracts is usually only suitable for large energy purchasers who have the time and resources to devote to monitoring the market and act decisively.
  • Gas buying groups are a great way for less energy-intensive businesses to increase their buying power.
  • Understanding the market for gas is a confident first step to reducing your gas bills. Get to grips with gas purchasing by talking to an expert.
  • Monitoring consumption with a smart meter can help you eliminate waste and negotiate a better deal on your supply.